John Broderick
University of Manchester
Current Position
Research Fellow
Role at Tyndall
EPSRC Knowledge Transfer Fellow
John has been a researcher in the Manchester group since 2006 specialising in emissions accounting and carbon trading. He has published in academic and policy outlets, including citations by the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, and has presented at international conferences and workshops.
His role is now dedicated to climate policy and targeted consultancy projects with organisations outside of academia. Recent work undertaken by Tyndall Manchester includes decarbonisation scenarios for the Welsh Assembly Government, analysis of the environmental impacts of shale gas for The Co-operative Group and an appraisal of UK carbon budgets for Friends of the Earth.
John holds a BA in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University, an MSc in environmental management from Newcastle University and a PhD from Manchester Business School.
Research Interests
I now divide my time between consultancy research projects with outside organisations and delivering policy outputs related to Tyndall Manchester's work. I am open to approaches for new projects.
My PhD research concerned the structure and governance of credit based carbon markets, both voluntary and compliance (CDM). The work built on Karl Polanyi's understanding of the economy as an instituted process, embedded within society.
It was supervised by Paul Upham and Sally Randles, both Manchester Business School, and supported by a UK Energy Research Centre interdisciplinary studentship. As well as the Tyndall Centre this work relates to the cross-faculty Society and the Environment Research Group.

Contact information
Phone: 01612754356
Postal Address
Tyndall Manchester H Floor Pariser Building University of Manchester PO Box 88 Manchester M13 9PL
Personal website