Claire Hoolohan
University of Manchester
Prior to her PhD, Claire worked as a sustainability consultant providing research and expertise to clients such as Greater Manchester County Council, West Sussex County Council, the Lake District National Park Authority, the Eden Project and Booths' supermarkets. Her specialisms included developing city and regional scale greenhouse gas estimates and mitigation strategies, and periodic monitoring of progress; modelling and mapping the impacts of global food supply chains at a supermarket level; developing management strategies including how to engage consumers in greenhouse gas mitigation with a focus on diet and nutrition.
Current Position
PhD Researcher
Role at Tyndall
This PhD aims to understand the collective social and material context in which domestic water demand arises to inform innovative approaches to behaviour change in the UK water industry. Working alongside the CASE partner (Thames Water) the research explores consumers everyday water use and interaction with water efficiency initiatives in two case studies, each within a water-stressed region in South England. Using the insights derived from this consumer focused research stakeholder workshops are used to develop practical examples of how the research findings might be applied in water company activities. Further the research explores how the policy and business landscape in which water efficiency is situated shapes and constrains managerial outcomes in order to identify how the industry may cultivate and support innovative activities going forward.
Alongside her PhD Claire is a Research Associate at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change, Manchester. The research takes a multidisciplinary approach to understand the consumer context of energy demand in food supply changes as part of research project at CSEF (Centre for Sustainable Energy in Food supply chains).
Recent publications:
Hoolohan & Browne (2016) Reframing water efficiency: determining collective approaches to change water use in the home. British Journal of Environment and Climate Change (In Press).
Hoolohan (2015) Innovative behaviour change strategies for water efficiency in the UK. Proceedings of the Water Efficiency Network April 2015.
Hoolohan, McLachlan, Mander, (under review) Consumers and energy demand in food supply chains: Synthesising insights from the social sciences (pre-review copy available here)
Hoolohan, Berners-Lee, McKinstry-West, Hewitt (2013) Mitigating the greenhouse gas emissions embodied in food through realistic consumer choices. Energy Policy.
Hoolohan, Berners-Lee, Cammack, Hewitt (2012) The relative greenhouse gas impacts of realistic dietary choices. Energy Policy.
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