Nick Pidgeon
Cardiff University
Current Position
Role at Tyndall
Partner Coordinator for Cardiff University
Research Interests
Nick works on risk, risk perception, and risk communication and as such his research is interdisciplinary at the interface of social psychology, environmental sciences, and science and technology studies. He is currently researching public responses to energy technologies (e.g. nuclear power, renewable energy), climate change risks, and climate geoengineering. He has in the past led numerous policy oriented projects on issues of public responses to environmental risk issues and on ‘science in society’ for UK Government Departments, the Research Councils, the Royal Society, and Charities. He is currently a member of the UK Department for Energy and Climate Change’s Science Advisory Group (SAG), and theme leader for the Climate Change Consortium for Wales.
Contact information
Phone: +44(0)29 208 74567
Fax: +44(0)29 208 74858
Postal Address
School of Psychology, Park Place, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF10 3AT, United Kingdom
Other website