Alex Haxeltine

University of East Anglia

Current Position
Senior Research Fellow

Role at Tyndall
Alex works on the EU-funded MATISSE (Methods and Tools for Integrated Sustainability Assessment) and ADAM (Adaptation and Mitigation) projects and is Deputy Leader of Tyndall's International Policy research programme. In Phase 1 he was International Science Coordinator responsible for working together with the directors to coordinate the involvement of the Tyndall Centre in a range of international research and assessment activities; including the EU 6th Framework Programme - IPCC assessments - GLEAM (Global Forum for Environmental Assessment Modelling) - the European Climate Forum - and international science -policy dialogues such as the HOT project.

Research Interests
Task 1.4, An empirical analysis of current commitments and actions by industrialized and developing countries, major corporations and investors, cities, and civil society; and assessment of implications for the evolution of the international climate regime after 2012. EU funded projects Methods and Tools for Integrated Sustainability Assessment (MATISSE) and Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies (ADAM) Application of Integrated Assessment methods to the development of strategies for achieving sustainable development; exploring novel modes of operation for the science -policy interface; developing new ways of combining participatory integrated assessment methods with simulation modelling.

Contact information


Phone: +44 (0)1603 59 3902

Postal Address
Tyndall Centre HQ
School of Environmental Sciences
University of East Anglia

Personal website

Other website