Current Position
Role at Tyndall
Theme coordinator: Governance
Research Interests
I am fascinated by the politics that emerge when attempts are made to govern environmental problems using the tools and methods of public policy. I have examined how these different forms of politics have played out in relation to different aspects of governing including the use of new policy instruments, policy coordination across sectors, policy innovation and policy dismantling. I undertake comparative work on these topics in substantive policy areas such as climate change, water management and sustainable development. In earlier work I examined the dynamics of environmental policy making at EU level, and how these in turn affect national policy and political systems via processes of ‘Europeanization’. I have published many papers and books on these themes, including Dismantling Public Policy (Oxford University Press, 2012) and the third edition of EU Environmental Policy (Earthscan, 2012, with Camilla Adelle). In the past, I have taken on leadership roles in many large national and EU-funded projects, and produced work for a number of knowledge users including the OECD, UK Cabinet Office, the UK environment ministry (DEFRA), UK Foresight, the European Commission and the Dutch Environment Ministry. I am currently completing a book on Designing Politically Sustainable Climate Policies and a two journal special issues on Climate Policy Innovation (for Global Environmental Change and Environmental Politics respectively). I have been the Managing Editor of the international journal Environment and Planning C (Government and Policy) since 2008. In 2010 I was awarded a Major Research Fellowship by the Leverhulme and in 2008 I was elected as an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences (AcSS).