Clair Gough
University of Manchester
Current Position
Research Fellow
Role at Tyndall
Clair is a Research Fellow at Tyndall Manchester where she contributes to the Energy research theme.
Research Interests
Clair has over 20 years experience in Integrated Assessment approaches, in the context of both long-range transboundary air pollution and climate change. Her research has integrated technical and social science analyses, featuring the use of long term scenarios and public and stakeholder participation in the context of energy and climate change. Her primary focus is on the assessment of carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS), including the use of biomass energy with CCS. Clair has extensive experience in energy-related social scientific research, including the media analysis, public attitudes and responses and ethical assessment, as well as more integrated socio-technical assessments (including Delphi, roadmapping and multi-criteria assessments). She is the Research Area Champion (Societal Responses) for the UK CCS Research Centre (
Links to Projects:
RESNET: Resilient Electricity Networks for Great Britain
DiSECCS (Diagnostic Seismic toolbox for the Efficient Control of CO2 Storage

Contact information
Phone: +44 (0)161 306 3447
Fax: +44 (0)161 306 3723
Postal Address
Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Manchester, Pariser Building, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK