Jaise Kuriakose
University of Manchester
Current Position
PhD Researcher
Duration of your PhD
April 2012-March 2016
Thesis's Supervisor
Prof Kevin Anderson
My Thesis' Abstract
Resilience of a low carbon GB electricity grid from climate change impacts & the role of smart grid.
The aim of the project is to develop and demonstrate a comprehensive approach to analyse, at the GB scale, the resilience of existing and proposed electricity networks to a changing climate, including societal and technical adaptation.
The resilience of the UK's electricity energy network is being challenged on three fronts:
(i) Policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions will alter substantially the existing mix of electricity generation;
(ii) Decarbonisation of the 'energy' system will be likely to involve considerable shift of previously nonelectric energy demand onto the electricity network and
(iii) Not only will the expected mean changes in climate alter electricity demand and the performance of the electricity infrastructure, but increased severity and frequency of extreme weather events will impact on the electrical network and distribution systems.
The PhD research provides a demand scenario with high level of electrification from heating, cooling and transport under future weather systems based on the outcomes from UKCP09 high emission scenario out to 2050.Two distinct supply scenarios consistent with 2oC carbon budget were then explored to meet the electricity demand.
The remaining research involves completing the hourly modeling for each of the supply technologies and how efficiently a varying mix of technologies could contribute towards the operational resilience of electricity grid through adequate and appropriate smart grid technologies.
The final expected outcome is to understand how climate might impact the transmission and distribution system with opportunities for addressing such impacts as well as understanding the risks posed by climate change to system components. The project will also propose network configurations as well as recommend equipment specifications for future electricity networks.