Katie Jenkins
University of Oxford
Current Position
Research Fellow.
Role at Tyndall
Urban Systems Modeller: ARCADIA project.
Katie Jenkins is a researcher at the Environmental Change Institute, working within the major consortium project ARCADIA (Adaptation and Resilience in Cities: Analysis and Decision making using Integrated Assessment). The ARCADIA project aims to provide system-scale understanding of the inter-relationships between climate impacts, the urban economy, land use, transport and the built environment and to use this understanding to design cities that are more resilient and adaptable. The project has been funded from the EPSRC’s Adaptation and Resilience to a Changing Climate Programme. The ARCADIA project is a major Tyndall Centre consortium project which involves a multidisciplinary research team of engineers, economists, and climate scientists. Katie’s role within ARCADIA is to integrate the various research activities mentioned above in order to provide new insights into the direct and indirect impacts of climate change in urban areas. These insights will form the basis for the development of strategies for adaptation of urban areas.
Role at Council
Partner Representative.
Research Interests
climate change impact assessment;extreme weather events; impacts of extreme weather events including direct and indirect economic losses; Integrated Assessment Modelling.
Other website

Contact information
E-mail: katie.jenkins@ouce.ox.ac.uk
Phone: 01865 275861
Postal Address
Environmental Change Institute, OUCE, Dyson Perrins Building, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QY