Rebecca Cunningham

University of Manchester

Current Position
Research Fellow.

Research Interests
Rebecca Cunningham is a social scientist with broad research interests including art, big data analytics and visualization, cascades of cooperation, climate adaptation implementation, natural resource governance, network science, organisational psychology, phenomenology, public uptake of policy and trust. After completing a PhD in Business through Griffith University (Thesis title: The Global Performance Art Network: How the net works), Rebecca worked at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) were her focus was primarily in the climate adaptation space (in Australian contexts as well as working in countries within the Indian Ocean Rim) undertaking social network analysis and data visualization of both primary and secondary data with a range of outcomes including internal and external reports for the Department of Foreign Affairs and NSW Office of Environment and Heritage. Rebecca joined Tyndall Manchester in 2015 to work on the DiSECCS project – exploring public perceptions of CCS.

Contact information


Phone: 0161 275 4416