Ruth Wood

University of Manchester

Current Position
Research Fellow

Role at Tyndall
Main research interests focus on emissions and energy accounting methods and models for the development of decarbonisation scenarios. Currently funded by the Sustainable Consumption Institute, Manchester on a project led by Dr Alice Bows to explore future consumer based emissions pathways. Role on this project is to work with Dr John Barrett at the Stockholm Environment Institute to develop a consumer based emissions scenario tool in order to evaluate the impact of future energy pathways and consumer behaviour on the UK's consumption based emissions.
Previous work with Tyndall includes the development of a new emissions apportionment method for aviation for application at a sub-national scale and an aviation energy model for use with stakeholders as part of the Joule Funded Aviation in the North West project led by Professor Kevin Anderson and Dr Alice Bows. PhD research to explore the co-benefits of climate change mitigation and air pollution reduction was undertaken at the Tyndall Centre, University of East Anglia supervised by Drs Rachel Warren and Steve Dorling.

Research areas

Contact information


Phone: 0161 3063715

Postal Address
Tyndall Manchester
H5 Pariser Building
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
University of Manchester
M13 9PL

Personal website

Other website